From January 2023 to April 2023, during my semester at Emerson College's Los Angeles program, and my last semester attending the college as a whole, I interned at the International Screenwriters' Association. Over the course of this internship I improved my writing skills and knowledge of the industry. I researched over 200 small directors for the company to reach out to and wrote coverage for over 50 scripts. I have an example of my script coverage available to read here.
From November 2021 to January 2023 I made a little extra cash through being a freelance editor for a book. The book was written in AAE (African American English), which I was not super familiar with before starting this job, as I grew up in a majority white town, but I used the knowlege I had and quickly caught on and learned more. I was able to line edit and suggest bigger changes without compromising the writing style or the author's voice. I worked with the author and two other editors to edit all 25 chapters of the book. The author had two more books planned in the series as well, but unfortunately, she had to put editing and publishing on indefinite hold for personal reasons. I am currently not able to share any of the work that I did for this position, but I will update this section if the book ever gets published or if I work for this author again to help edit the other books in the series.